Month: April 2021
Results of intermediate control No 1
603 В гуруҳ № Ф.И.О. Балл 1. Анваров Камрон 48,0 2. Розиев Хумоюн 37,0 3. Иномжонова Малика 86,5 4. Хикматиллаева Нозимахон 37,0 5. Каримбердиев Азиз 36,0 6. Хикматиллаев Иззатилла 72,0...
Ўтган 2020 йил COVID-19 пандемияси сабабли бутун дунё, жумладан, Ўзбекистон аҳолиси учун ҳам оғир йил бўлди. Ушбу касаллик ва унинг оғир асоратлари оқибатида барча мамлакатларда қатор беморлар аҳволи ёмонлашди ва...
What diseases should be excluded if the patient has atrial fibrillation?
An online webinar was held
On April 8, 2021, an online webinar was held with the participation of A.A. Samsonov, professor of the Department of Propedeutics of Internal Diseases and Gastroenterology, Faculty of Medicine, MGUMS....
The 1st stage of the TMA of the International Student Olympiad was held
At the department, the 1st stage of the TMA of the International Student Olympiad was held, in which the student of the 605A group of the medical and pedagogical faculty...
“The best speaker”
Assistant Khalmetova Feruza Iskandarovna was nominated for “The best speaker” at the “International scientific-practical conference of young students 2021”.
Give a description of the X-ray picture
Give a description of the X-ray picture