Abdurahmanova Nargiza

associate professor, PhD



2003-2010. Tashkent Medical Academy, medical (professional) business
2010-2013. Tashkent Medical Academy, Internal Diseases

Work experience:

2003-2010. Student of Tashkent Medical Academy of Medical and Pedagogical Faculty
2010-2013 A student of the magistracy of the Tashkent Medical Academy, in the direction of “Internal Diseases”
2013-2015 – Assistant of the department for the preparation of a general practitioner and endocrinology, with the course of continuing training of the general practitioner No. 2 of the Tashkent Medical Academy
2015-2016 – Assistant of the department of training of general practitioner of the Tashkent Medical Academy
2016 – Present – Assistant of the Department of Internal Medicine No. 3 of the Medical and Pedagogical Faculty of the Tashkent Medical Academy

Main directions of practical activity

Rheumatic diseases, in particular rheumatoid arthritis, systemic connective tissue diseases

The main directions of scientific activity

Features of the clinical course and effectiveness of treatment of rheumatoid arthritis depending on the polymorphism of the gene MDR1


Уқув-услубий қўлланма:

  1. Talabalarga yurak ritmi buzilishi sindromini taqdim etishda modul texnologiyasi ahamiyati.Ўқув-услубий қўлланма.      Тошкент.-ТТА. 2016. –Б. 87
  2. VI ва VII курс талабалари учун вазиятли масалалар тўплами. Ташкент.-ТТА. 2016. –Б. 561
  3. VI ва VII курс талабалари учун тест саволлари тўплами. Тошкент.-ТТА. 2016. –С. 163