Akhmedov Khalmurad
head of the department,
doctor of sciences in medicine, professor.
• In 1993 he graduated from the 1-Tashkent Medical Institute, medical practice;
• In 2001, he completed a course in family medicine (UK, London);
• In 2005, he completed an internship (USA, Oklahoma).
Work experience
• 1993-1999 – doctor rheumatologist in the rheumatology department of the clinic 1-TashGosMI.
• 1999-2000 – Head of the admission department of the clinic 1-TashGosMI.
• 2000 – 2005 – director of the medical center.
• 2005-2010 – Senior Lecturer at the Department of General Practitioner and Endocrinology at the Tashkent Medical Academy.
• 2010 to 2012 – Associate Professor of the Department of General Practitioner and Endocrinology Tashkent Medical Academy.
• From 2012 to the present. – is the head of the department “Internal diseases number 3”.
Scientific work
• In 2007 he defended his Ph.D. thesis on “The importance of correction of progesterone insufficiency in systemic scleroderma in optimizing secondary prevention of the disease”
• In 2017, a doctoral dissertation (DSc) on the “Features of the course of rheumatoid arthritis in various climatogeographical and ecological zones of Uzbekistan and ways to optimize preventive measures.”
Main directions of practical activity
Rheumatic diseases, in particular rheumatoid arthritis, systemic connective tissue diseases
The main directions of scientific activity
Features of the clinical course and effectiveness of treatment of rheumatoid arthritis depending on the polymorphism of the gene MDR1
Textbooks and training manuals
- Вазиятли масала, клиник ҳолат, электрокардио-графия, тест ва амалий кўникмалар тўплами. Услубий қўлланма. Тошкент. 2007й. 200 бет.
- Критерии пошаговой оценки медицинского консультирования студентов с учетом индромального принципа. Услубий қўлланма. Ташкент. 2008г. 423 стр.
- Синдромал ёндошув асосида бемор муаммо-ларини ҳал қилиш-да қўлланиладиган вазиятли масалалар тўплами. Услубий қўлланма. Тошкент. 2010й. “Muharir nashriyoti”. 196 бет.
- Сборник практических навыков для врачей общей практики. Практическое руководство. Ташкент 2010г. “Muharir nashriyoti”. 432 стр.
- Умумий амалиёт хамширалари учун амалий кўникмалар тўплами. Амалий қўлланма. Тошкент. 2011й. “Muharir nashriyoti”. 409 бет.
- Umumiy amaiyot hamshiralari uchun amaliy konikmalar toplami. Амалий қўлланма. Toshkent. 2011y. “Muharir nashriyoti”. 369 bet.
- Ichki kasalliklar propedevtikasi. Дарслик. 2. Тошкент, 2012 й. “Muharir nashriyoti”. 708 бет.
- Умумий амалиёт врачлари учун амалий кўникмалар тўплами. Амалий қўлланма
- Амалий қўлланма. Тошкент. “Muharir nashriyoti”. 2013й. 427 бет. (Гувохнома 484-074 12.2013)
- Программа реабилитацион-ных мероприятий в межстационарный период у больных ревматоидным артритом в условиях общеврачебной практики на фоне патогенетической терапии. Услубий тавсиянома. Тошкент. «Мухаррир нашриёти». – 42 б.
- VI va VII kurs talabalari uchun vaziyatli masalalar tơplami. Услубий қўлланма. 2016. –180 б.